The Mind

Ok so you have just completed the Soul Section of the course and have a fairly good idea how all three work together and the importance of recognising the should and connecting with it.

Assuming you are ready to commit after answering the questions in the previous Unit, we can now take a look at the the Mind section off this course and tie it into what the soul wants and needs so you the student can have a more peaceful and productive life.

The mind is a wonderful part of our experience here. It allows us to think, see, hear and feel the world around us with the help of the physical Body. It forms certain perceptions and habits by the information it has received from the outside world throughout life. It holds the library of every thought, experience, and feeling you have ever had.

You have three parts primarily. You have the Sub Conscious Mind, Ego Mind and then the Conscious Mind in that order.

Sub Conscious Mind

The Sub Conscious Mind is your centre of operations. Its working 24 hours, 7 days a week for the rest of your life. Its job is to keep the body running at optium rate at all times. It has intelligence of course but it takes everything literly as it has many jobs to do. Think of it like a worker that is operating a machine and whatever it's being told, it will carry that out to the letter. Just following orders would be the perfect example of what the Sub conscious is.

The Subconscious also operates on feelings like fear for example. If you experience fear then Sub conscious will go into fear mood. You experience happiness or excitement then Sub Conscious will go into happy mood and produce the endogenies to represent that within the body.

It stores your memories for you as a record of all your experiences. The feelings associated with those memories are also attached. For example, if you had a bad experience in the past then that event is still there. In therapy for example. a typical approach from the therapist is to revisit a certain painful incident and have the client attempt to see it from many other points of view so that feeling can be healed. If the client is able to make peace with that particular incident then that particular record is altered in the Sub Conscious mind and its reaction to that in the future will be different. in other-words the orders have changed so the body will react differently.

I will explain more about the Sub Conscious mind in later modules as you can see it is quite complex and has many other features to it that can either be complimented or negatively impacted by the Ego and allowed by the conscious mind.

Ego Mind

Ego Mind is the sum total of all the events and experiences collected up in the Sub Conscious Mind. As the Sub Conscious Mind is basically the work horse of the Mind, the Ego is that intelligent part that forms perceptions from all that stored information of so many experiences.

This is where attitudes, habits and behaviours are born for the overall picture of this stored information. So from the time you are born, you will have experienced your parents, siblings, relatives, friends, teachers, Bosses, peers and so on and the sum total of all of them will result in the overall opinion of the Ego and how you should proceed with you life.

As you can now imagine, Ego May have being compromised in her or her opinions as for many life wasn't so wonderful and the reality is that this world is not all it was cut out to be and many struggles occurred and had some very negatives affects. Can you blame the Ego for feeling this way as it had to struggle so and the opinions that emerged were somewhat justified.

For me i see the Ego as a damaged child who is just trying to survive and come up with way to manage all that disappointment to survive in a world that seems so cruel and unfair at so many levels.

The focus here on this course is to heal this very child " The Ego " as this is where everything went a bit wayward. This child had to fend for itself up to now and is actually asking for help in its own little way as it has no idea what to do anymore. It has had no real direction and feels all the responsibility has being left plainly on his or her shoulders.

Conscious Mind

The conscious Mind is a very interesting part of the mind. This is the part that has a conscience from time to time. It is the part that either excepts what the Ego is telling it and following its lead or disagreeing and doing something else.

In other words it has the final say which suggests that it has the power to decide what the outcome will be in the lifetime of any individual. It can decide to go down the route of listening to the Ego and acting on that or deciding that an alternative route would be better.

For example, Ego may be saying that this course is a load of mumbo jumbo and to ignore it while the conscious mind might say, I think we should listen to what it has to say and decide what is the course of action to take afterwards. So you have part of the mind completely dismissing and criticising which is what the ego was thought to do to the other part suggesting that the information be heard and decided upon during or at the end.

From the information I have just provided, you are beginning to see a picture emerging on the workings of all parts, their roles and maybe for the first time. who's really in charge here.

It is the conscious mind of course but is heavily influenced by the Ego who has being influenced by the information stored by the Sub Consious who's job it is to store all the memories and keep everything going 24 hours a day.

Conscious Mind decides everything and is responsible for everything. This is the part of you that gets up in the morning and decides what to do for the day and every day. It makes plans with Ego in the background advising what it thinks is best from a distorted perception of what it has learned from the information it gathered from the Sub conscious. It's only doing what it taught itself to do and was really there to guild you with the proper information you are prepared to give it from now on.

Your conscious Mind is really your connection to the Soul, your heart, your intuition to what it right if you allow it. You have already felt its conscience when you have made the wrong choice. That conscience is telling you that you have not made the right decision, that you are perhaps, doing harm to yourself and others. I know you have felt this, everyone has as we are all souls trying to reconnect with that part of themselves but got a little stuck along the way with all these other experiences.

There were looking for ways to reconnect but didn't know how and here they are now in this moment, figuring this out with the help of this course and hopefully enjoying this experience. By reaching this far, resonating with it will have a profound effect as it changes so many perceptions within them and both the ego and the subconscious are now aware of it also.

Conscious mind is empowered like never before as its beginning to understand the power it has to change everything with the help of the soul to redirect to the path that was meant and no longer be influenced by false perceptions learnt in times of great confusion.

Conscious Mind has the ability to speak to the Soul, the Ego, the sub conscious mind all at once. It can receive information, share information so that new information can be stored and also change all that stored information to a better understanding of what really happened and heal it with the lessons learnt within each one of them.

The soul never judges, criticises, has unconditional love and forgives all events as it already understands every pitfall of every experience. The whole purpose of the soul is to experience all of these in order what love is and what love is not. Without both we would never understand the full meaning of Love. It sounds like a cruel way to experience all that but in my opinion we chose this so we could create our own unique journey in the exploration of physical life.

Ok Guys, I have a few questions for you to explore more and revise this important part. I hope you are enjoying this course so far and I would like to here your own thoughts.

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Freedom Design was Created in 2018 by Mike Kiernan. Mike Decided to make some Career Changes in 2016  after 30 years working in Various businesses. He underwent extensive Training in Spiritual Life Coaching and is now sharing his teachings with the General Public.  

Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

Freedom Design
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