A Conservation with God

A Conservation with God is something that I have naturally done since childhood and had no idea what it was.  Call it imagination or self-talk or whatever you like. Some may call it, the higher self or even a collection of experiences that have some self conclusions to the questions so many of us have about what we are doing here, why we exist and the reasons for it.

I find a place in the silence and just ask my questions. The answers come from the love and truth in me. Whether it's just me talking or something else, it is up to you to decide. I just write the words and make no claims about anything. Interpret as you will. Some will find nothing in these words and some of you may find the world and answers to the questions that have eluded them.

The words make perfect sense to me in a world that makes no sense sometimes. I find great comfort in the answers and I know deep down that there is great truth in them for me. The words bring me great peace and I know after writing them that everything is just the way it should be. I share them with you now and hope you enjoy and find the peace that I received while receiving my messages.

My question was about the overall meaning of Balance. What comes next are just words and answers to the questions I asked or thoughts that came to me.




Consciousness is the creative substance that experiences itself through its own creations.




There is no why but is.


So there is no purpose?


The purpose is Creation.


So my purpose is Creation?


All-purpose is Creation.


What is Balance?


Balance is understanding the creative process. It is being the creation and nothing else.


What do you mean by nothing else?


Being other than what you created.


What did I create?


You created you. The human being.


So I am not balanced in creation?


No, you are not?


How can i be balanced in creation?


By being what you created.


But i am what i created?


You are your surroundings and not what you created.


What do you mean?


You live in the past and the future and not in the present. Living in the present is balance.


But we have a past and a future, How can we exist without this?


You exist always, you exist now. There is no past or future but present.


So why bother with this present experience?


You are a creator, a consciousness, a part of creation and a part of the overall creator. You are experiencing all that you are and all of the great creator.


But why?


There is no why but is. To make it simpler for you, It was your choice to create as you are a creator and it is your purpose to create and experience all what creation is. you are simply expressing yourself as a creator.


Why is my life so hard and full of sadness?


You allow yourself to feel this way as an experience of creation.


But I don't want to experience this?


Really? If you didn't, you wouldn't feel this way. You have chosen this without realizing it.


But why must i not realise, if i am experiencing myself as creation.?


Creation is endless and experiencing it can be experienced in endless ways. To understand this endlessness is understanding creation and balance can be achieved.


So you are saying if i understand the meaning of endlessness and its endless outcomes then i will have a greater understanding of Creation?




How will that help me to be balanced ?


You will have realized that your choices determine what you want to experience.


So my choices determine my experience?




Why is there so much evil in the world?


Experiencers choose to be evil or negative as you call it. They choose not to be creators and deny who they truly are. They choose to be the opposite of who they are.


Are they a part of the creator?


All are part of the creator.


How could that be? Is Satan or Lucifer part of the creator?


All are part of the creator. The term Satan or Lucifer are experiences created by you and other experiencers to help understand all that is not of the creator.


So we have created the idea of evil in this experience to know what is not the creator?


Yes, you as a collective have created this to experience what is and what is not the creator. Creation does not allow or disallow. All creations have a choice as creation has no restrictions.


But why is there so much evil in this world today?


Experiencers do not understand Creation at this time and believe that this world is the beginning and the end.


How can we get them to know creation?


You cannot force anyone to know creation, This understanding comes to everyone at different times and in their own time.


So we just allow all this madness to carry on and do nothing?


You can help by being in balance yourself and allow others to be influenced by your own balanced living and knowledge.


So by me being balanced and understanding what creation is, Will help others see what balance and creation is?




But that will only help a few people?


One person in balance has the ability to change the world and the experience.


This is going to take a long time? Or maybe it could take a short time as you said?


There is no time only creation. You created time yourself to experience your own creation at this time.


So the amount of time doesn't matter in my reality? Will it all work out in the long run?


Its is inevitable Yes.


What happens to all the evil?


Evil, as you know it at this time, will cease to be, as it is not of me and is an experience of your own creation. It will no longer be necessary to experience this.  Experiencers of Evil as you know it will have no choice but accept the truth and know love. All experiencers will eventually return to me and know love in its true form. Creation is simply thought and experiencing thought at this time.


Why is there a need for such evil in creation?


All thoughts are explored both perfect and imperfect. Creation is an opportunity to experience all thoughts in all its forms so love can be understood in all its meanings. Those perfect and imperfect experiences need to be understood and experienced so that love can be understood fully and be expressed.


So the perfect and imperfect experiencers are expressing all thoughts in creation at this time of my experience here?




So balance is understanding that I come from a thought that is experiencing that thought through creation. So i can experience that thought in every way possible, both perfect and imperfect for the understanding of that thought?


That is correct.


Why bother with all this? why not stay as I am and not have to experience anything?


Question for you? If you had the choice to have endless experiences, what would you do?


I would want to experience everything, all thoughts and all experiences


Well then, you have answered your own question.


But why is there a need for all this?


Why is there a need you? You are the one having this experience and i am the one facilitating that. You are the thought out of the nothingness where all things originated from.


So you come from nothing? How is that possible? how could there be such a thing as nothingness? Nothingness doesn't exist?


Nothingness is all there is and all there will ever be. It is where everything first comes into being and returns too when the experience is over. Think of a seed that's planted into the ground. It was part of a plant before that and that plant was a seed also so go back to the original seed and see where it came from. How did it come into being? from where did it originate. Go back as far as you can go. Go back to the first thought of it and then go back to before that? where was it? In the nothingness were no thought of it existed and waiting for the thought to arrive to bring it into being.


Ok, I can understand that but where does the thought come from for something to come into being. If there is nothing there in the first place how can a thought occur?


A thought comes into being just like everything else in the nothingness. Everything comes from there and its endless possibilities. As soon as the thought arrives, creation begins and the experience begins.


Yes, but how does that happen when there is nothing there in the first place? where does the thought come from and who is doing the thinking if there is nothing there in the nothingness?


Nothingness is not what you think it is. You are looking at it from your learned perspective. You view it as nothing being there but all possibility is there if chosen. The choice to remain in the nothingness or explore any experience is always there


So you are aware in the nothingness and its endless posibilities?




When I choose to explore, Am i an individual or a collective in my experiences?  Will I lose my identity in this collective?


Picture yourself as a thought of many thoughts. Your individuality is one thought and the collective are the complete set of thoughts. The collective is a larger part of yourself which are both Individual and Collective. You are unaware of the collective at this time as you are experiencing and individual part of the collective.


Will you judge me and my experiences?


You are never judged as all of your experiences are yours to experience. Judgment is not part of the creative experience. Judgement is something you have introduced as punishment for wrong deeds. You have mistaken balance for Judgement.


Are their laws of God or the universe to keep everything in balance?


There are no laws in my creation as laws are restrictive and man-made. The laws you speak of are the laws of Karma or the law of attraction?




Those are not laws and are very misunderstood. There is no punishment only the punishment you inflict on yourself. The law of karma that you have made up is simply Thought. Thought is your creative process. You create with it. You attract whatever you think off. All thought has energy behind it and creates and attracts energy to it. You have created yourself for this experience so your thoughts are very powerful and can create anything. You attract to you what you think about. You create what you think about. You are what you think about at this time.


So you are saying that Karma or the law of attraction are just thoughts manifesting things you are thinking about?




Why does it seem that it's teaching you somehow? Like when you do something wrong, something wrong will happen to you?


Your guilty thought has brought this to you but balance also plays a part. Creation will always point you in the right direction as you have created yourself to experience this experience. Call it your safeguard to achieving the experience you wanted to experience. The laws you speak off are just the natural flow of Creation. When you are out of balance, Creation itself will nudge you or attempt to guide you back to your natural state. There is no punishment only the natural flow of creation.


But why can't we just experience without all this hassle? Why do we have to come here with no idea of who we are and why we are here? It doesn't make any sense?


How could you experience, knowing what you were going to experience?


True. So to experience, we need to be absent somehow as if we were starting from new and having this experience as if we never had this experience before?


Not always but you chose to experience this way at this time.


So I choose to experience this experience, this way at this time?




So where to next? what's the bigger picture?


Wherever you want to go. It's your choice always.


So there is no one at headquarters, organizing my next mission?




I decide all this myself?




This actually sounds very exciting. So basically i am a part of infinite consciousness, Get to choose whatever it is i want to experience with whoever i want to experience with for eternity?




Why have you done all this?


I haven't, You have.


So what's your part in all this?


I am here to guild you and bring you back to me.


So you even guide the worst of us like the evil ones or the ones that went the wrong way?


My help has no boundaries. You will all come back to me eventually and i am waiting for you with open arms and love for all.


How can you love that much?


You belong here and i am simply guiding you home.


So what do you expect from me on my Journey?


I expect nothing only you experience all and come back when you are ready.


Where are you now, right at this minute?


I never left. I am everywhere. In all your experiences in creation and here waiting when you return.


So we are experiencing all there is at this time and you are here through everything and awaiting my arrival home?




That's a very beautiful thing to do. Thank you


Your thank you means more to me than you realize. You have shown me, love, and I will show mine to you by telling you something.


What is it?


Think of me every day by simply showing gratitude for your experience and i will be your guide. Love as i do and see every day, what is in store for you. Stay in balance by remembering me each day and understanding what balance is and living in the present. Living in the present, is you experiencing your life to the fullest at this time. Showing others the way to balance will bring you even closer to me and i will show you beautiful experiences that you never thought possible.

You or your loved ones never die but are with me always. They are with you always as they are a part of me as they are you. There is no death but the ending of your experience in your own time that you created. All experiences that you have experienced is a great joy to me as it brings you ever closer to understanding my love for you and all things.

When you finally reach me through all your experiences and know me as love, you have the choice to experience me again for infinitely and in infinite ways, so you can experience love in its infinite meaning.

A Conservation with God


So where can i begin with balance and learn to experience what i created myself in this life?


Start with your thoughts and understanding them, Realise that your thoughts are the way to freeing yourself from what unbalances you. Live in the present and not in the past or in the future. The past is gone and the future is not yet here. Creation does not create in the past but in the present. Creation's future has not been written as its being prepared in the present. Dream of course, as the dream is thought and will create for the future. Plan of course, for the plan is the physical thought and action required to create for the future. Do not dwell in the future as its result lies in the present. Do each day as if you had what you created and it will materialize.

Your creations are as sure as my love for you. Live each day to the fullest and in a way that makes you the happiest. Understand that you are perfect and imperfect as you experience creation. Like a child learning for the first time. You will fall many times but get back up and never judge but encourage and see the love in each creation as my love for you. Forgive all and allow creation to continue as it is. You are a creator, Having your own unique experience and so is everything else. All is as it is and will be for now and for eternity.

Go now and keep me with you. Ask me anything and I will answer.

My words will come to you in your thoughts. Your thoughts are always connected to me. My thoughts speak the truth and you will know them when I speak. There is no fear, guilt, anger or any confusion to my words. Those words will resonate with you and give you peace. My words are only peaceful and full of love for you and all things. My love is always with you and in every living thing all around you. You will find comfort there whenever you need it. My love and blessings to you on this glorious day.

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Freedom Design was Created in 2018 by Mike Kiernan. Mike Decided to make some Career Changes in 2016  after 30 years working in Various businesses. He underwent extensive Training in Spiritual Life Coaching and is now sharing his teachings with the General Public.  

Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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FreedomDesign.ie © 2024

Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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