Finding Love and Purpose

Finding Love and purpose is easier than you might think

There are some steps to finding a life Purpose. Those steps are simply understanding the Mind, Body & Soul Relationship. The most important step is understanding the purpose of the Soul. Soul is a fractal of the universe, consciousness, God, Creator or whatever you would like to name it. Without this you would not exist.

The purpose of the soul is to experience life in all its forms and learn the lessons from those many lifetimes. Each life has freewill to decide how it wants to conduct itself as each Soul is independent and is on its own unique journey. There is a simple rule to each life and that is simply " to do no harm " .To do no harm means to think and act in a way that causes no harm to oneself or another. By doing this, the soul is in its most natural creative state. Being in this state brings the body and mind in balance with the soul purpose and creates the life purpose here on this earth 

Whether you know what your life purpose is or not, it does not matter as being in balance will eventually reveal that to you if you carry out this simple universal law. You can start at any time no matter where you are in life. Simple practice the Law of " Doing no harm " by monitoring your thoughts first. 

You will be very surprised at how much harm you are doing in your thinking and then realising all the past actions you took that led you to your current position. It doesn't matter what you have done in the past with your thoughts and actions but what you do right now from now on and continue to do so. Even correcting one thought a day can have a significant effect in your future life. Examine each thought and look for any harm in it. Then change that thought to one that is free from harm . Most of your thoughts will be judgmental which is harmful to both you and others and doesn't do anyone any good.

Finding Love and Purpose

As a creator being and a fractal of Source, consciousness, the Universe, God, you are creating your own reality. The purpose of the soul is to learn, evolve and move onto the next experience. The choice is yours as to how you want to experience that. You can either live by the law of doing no harm or you can live by doing harm and experiencing either in real life.

So start right now with a thought that is positive in nature and practice that daily. Each day, monitor your thoughts and begin to correct them so the harm is taken out and replaced with thoughts that are free of any harm. This takes practice. 

Do not punish yourself if you have failed sometimes but simply apply a revised thought again and again till you get good at this and it starts to become a natural way to think. It won't happen overnight but it will improve each day by stopping yourself regularly and correcting yourself if harmful thoughts come up.

If you keep doing this, you will become happier as you are practicing your natural state. You will sleep better, work better, love better and start realising that life can be better by simply applying this simple exercise. 

It can work for the most convoluted of minds that are being bombarded with constant thoughts of harm and don't know what to do.

For those of you who struggle with your thoughts, remember this. 

You are a fractal of the father, mother, source of all things. That fractal of consciousness, soul, higher self is a creator like they are and has decided to come here and experience life. There is no death, only the end of the experience and onto the next. You create your life's dreams with your thoughts as thoughts are your creative force here. If you follow the simple law of creation and that is to do no harm then you are fulfilling your soul's purpose who wants to experience all that this life has to offer. If the Mind and body can follow the true desire of the soul then the mind and body will also experience its purpose here.

Bring this knowledge with you as you begin to practice the law of creation. Knowing this about yourself will encourage and motivate you to practice every day. Do not worry about having too many negative thoughts or repeating those same old habits over and over again. Just being mindful of them will help alter them eventually in your own time. This is not a race but learning a different way of thinking and living so be patient and kind to yourself and others as best you can. Some say that the biggest fight in life is the one with yourself. It never has to be a fight but simply changing your thoughts over time and finding that peace and happiness that you have always wished for.   

Wishing you peace, happiness and success in finding your love and purpose.         

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Freedom Design was Created in 2018 by Mike Kiernan. Mike Decided to make some Career Changes in 2016  after 30 years working in Various businesses. He underwent extensive Training in Spiritual Life Coaching and is now sharing his teachings with the General Public.  

Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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