Is Spiritual Life Coaching Becoming Popular?

I started my Spiritual Life Coaching at the end of 2019 and at the beginning of the Coronavirus epidemic. Not great timing I thought at the time as I couldn't see people personally which I prefer. Along with that I find Irish people extremely wary of a spiritual element to any Coaching or Therapy. Who can blame them really after many 100s of years of religious conflicts which has created an aversion to the subject somehow in my own opinion. 

As a trained Hypnotherapist back in 1999 I always felt that there was a missing piece to this wonderful Therapy. It felt almost mechanical in its delivery and was very much focused on Changing Behaviour by accessing the subconscious mind and somewhat missed the Soul or the Consciousness element that is critical in the healing of any client. Now this is my own view and some therapists out there would disagree but from my own experience, I couldn't pursue this type of Therapy as that critical piece was missing for me. So I went back to my normal life and it wasn't till my own life was at a crossroads again that I again searched for more answers to my inner enquiries.

I came across Spiritual Life Coach training as a possible answer and was pleasantly surprised that my answers lay just there. It had all the elements of my Hypnotherapy training along with that spiritual element that had eluded me for all these years. That my Hypnosis knowledge was indeed very powerful as it dealt with the more physical realm and its problems along with some accidental Spiritual teaching that the client or therapist may not realise or think important. Now this may seem quite controversial but I am only looking at this from my eyes and what I have observed in my time on the earth plain. 

So what was this extra learning that I have discovered that got me so excited and brought me to this point?  For me it was my ability to discover that in order to treat the individual, we must treat the Soul first and not the physical body. That the Soul is eternal and has lost its way a little and that the body ends up carrying on, on autopilot without the direct instruction of the soul which has been disconnected. 

So what is this Soul that everyone is so confused about and the reason why so many wars and strife is so apparent in our world today?  Many would say that there is no such thing and a figment of our imaginations. Others would say that there is indeed a Soul as they follow a strict religion with its own set of rules and regulations that fit into that particular narrative or Belief. From my own perspective, It is very clear that we didn't just arrive out of Nowhere along with everything else living on this planet including mother earth herself. Just like the computer I type from on the table, Both were created for my convenience so I could write this article. In other words there is reason for absolutely everything and is created by some form of energy. Without Creation nothing would exist. This fact alone should tell you that we are more than just flesh and bone and a greater Creative force is involved. No need to meditate on a mountain for hours on end or Recite chapters of the bible but to just know that you are a Soul , Energy , Consciousness that is having an experience at this time. That you who is that Consciousness, That soul or whatever you want to call it, created this very experience and here you are, right now and reading this very article. That once you realise this, then things start to make Complete sense and you can actually start getting on with your life, your experience in a completely different way than before. 

Spiritual Life Coaching

Spiritual Life Coaching & the Love energy

Many people get very uncomfortable with the word " Love " as if it were a sign of weakness or an embarrassing side of them that they are afraid to show. In Order to get over this fear and be in our natural state we must fully understand this word. Everything thrives when there is "love energy" around. To show love for a child for example is expressing your Love energy and that child receives that and is in a happy state. This is the same for an animal, you give it love and attention and it is happy in your company. You water a flower or plant with Love energy and it grows better, you help someone who needs it and they are grateful, Again love energy. This love energy is simply your Source energy, your creative energy, the very stuff that created you and everything around you. It is the universal energy that when applied, gives you the best outcomes as you are using it in the way it was meant for and that is to help you to create whatever it is you want to create next. 

Anything outside of this Love energy is destructive and causes an imbalance. Take a look around the world today and see all the things that are not of Love energy and its consequences. The world we live in today is not the world that was meant for us. We are eternal souls that are completely free to use the Love energy but have lost our way and are creating experiences that do not serve us. To change this world we must first change the way we personally use the love energy in our own lives. One person who knows about the love energy and changes their perspective will change many people around them to the way of the love energy. Love energy affects everything and everyone as it is Universal and the original energy from where you came from and will go back to.

Now I'm not suggesting you go around hugging everyone and everything but be aware of your own behavior and keeping it in check. Judgment for example is a huge one. We practically judge Situations, People and things everyday. Try to go about your day without a judgment on anything. This would be a great exercise to begin with. Correct yourself after making each Judgement and see where your thoughts are. You will be very surprised to see how judgemental you really are. Also be very careful about judging yourself. Usually someone who is highly critical of others will usually be very critical about themselves deep down. Learn to be gentle with yourself and give yourself lots of Love energy to begin with. Remember this is your Soul's natural state so it wants this for you during all your experiences here.  

I can see Spiritual Life coaching becoming more popular over the years as it's a very gentle way to explain who we really are and advising small simple changes that can dramatically Improve a person's life without all the drama. No need to be a Guru or Religious expert. All that is required is remembering the Love energy and applying it into your daily life. The more you apply this, you will notice a shift into a more peaceful and fulfilling way of living. You will be less Judgemental on yourself and others and have a more balanced way at looking at things, your life and how you want to move ahead. 

I hope this was helpful to you and that you consider applying some of my advice. If you have any questions then please comment here and I can answer. If you would like to give Spiritual Life Coaching a go then I would be delighted to hear from the Contact Form                                                                                                                        

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Freedom Design was Created in 2018 by Mike Kiernan. Mike Decided to make some Career Changes in 2016  after 30 years working in Various businesses. He underwent extensive Training in Spiritual Life Coaching and is now sharing his teachings with the General Public.  

Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

Freedom Design
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