Who am I - A Life Coach Perspective

In the beginning there was silence and nothingness. Nothing lived there, only the quietness and absolute peace. At that time a thought occurred and the question was " who am I ". The possible answer to this question came in the form of creation and in creation, all the actual experiences to this answer could be explained in the personal experience.

As the answer was infinite, an infinite amount of independent expressions to that answer was created with each having their own unique experience. These unique expressions were named souls and the Soul's purpose was to gather all the information in the quest to the understanding of "who I am". The challenge was great but the rules were simple.

Who Am I

Free will was decided as it allowed each soul its own unique path to the discovery of this deep question. Do no harm was the goal to all souls as they transversed throughout all creation. This rule, when applied would assist each soul to more favourable outcomes during their experiences and any diversion would result in consequences of hard lessons to help bring souls into balance and back to their initial calling in search of the answer to who I am.

Many Many Souls got lost in their experiences as they rebelled against these simple rules and decided to make their own rules as to the question of who am I. The consequences of these actions is they no longer could participate in the great experiment of life and were cast aside without the opportunity of experiencing physical life.  They were however allowed to roam as souls as they were part of the initial question and the creative process. Free will gave them the opportunity to rejoin the quest for truth when they were ready and finished what they had first set out to do.

After many consequences, many chose to return back to the process but many also chose the opposite and attempt to stunt the creative process, destroying it at every opportunity. As they cannot take physical form, they can target physical beings by influencing them away from the prime directive that is to do no harm. These beings can attach themselves when the living being is weak and their creative shield is compromised. These lost souls attempt to hijack the living being to carry out their own desires through the harmful actions and choices of the creative being.

You see a creative being advances creation by doing no harm. The act of love is the act of doing no harm as it always considers its thoughts and actions for the benefit of itself and others. This is the essential ingredient of the creative process and a step closer to the answer of who am I. Once this is understood and practiced, those influences cannot penetrate and attach to those who are on the true path.

The overall being or the place from where the first thought came from is what you might call god, mother, father, the great creator or whatever name you wish to call him or her. It does not matter what religion you are or if you have no religion as long as you understand that you are part of the great question that was asked and is being experienced by you and every living thing at this time in the quest for that answer in your own unique way.

Remember to be aware of your thinking as it was that initial thought that created everything that you can conceive. You too can create whatever it is you would like to be creative but it must start with your thoughts that are full of love and doing no harm as this is the correct way to think and experience the way it was meant.

When you are damaging yourself or others with thoughts, stop in mid sentence and correct your thoughts and words so it is in line with the creative process. It takes plenty of practice but once you start doing that, you will find yourself in your natural state and your experiences will be better than you can ever imagine. As you begin this process, you will encounter some challenges and especially from the attachments that you have allowed in the past.

Call out to the Creator who is the supreme being and banish all attachments in his or her name. This is no greater power to call upon for protection. He or she is as much of you as you are of him or her. You are joined together for eternity as you were part of the great question and the creative process. You are an ancient soul on a journey of discovery with the great being and all his or her angels at your request when you need it.

Knowing this is all you need to carry on with your epic journey to the answer to the question of who am I.  

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Freedom Design was Created in 2018 by Mike Kiernan. Mike Decided to make some Career Changes in 2016  after 30 years working in Various businesses. He underwent extensive Training in Spiritual Life Coaching and is now sharing his teachings with the General Public.  

Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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