Overcoming Past Programming 

Overcoming past programming can be quite a daunting task but once you recognise it, you can begin to change it and start living a more authentic life.

We arrive here on this earth with a blank sheet and begin the process of absorbing information so we can learn, grow and adapt into society. Our perceptions are created in our experiences from the various information and events that have taken place as we evolve here. Those perceptions or beliefs pave the way for our lives up to the present and into the future until we leave this place.

Our purpose here is to simply experience life for this short time and attempt to live it in the most harmonious way possible. With so much going on the world right now we can clearly see that all is not well in so many areas of this world. Learned perceptions of the way life should be lived here has been distorted and the result of this has been catastrophic all around the world.

The basic law of this universe and of life here is to do no harm. It's quite a simple rule to understand but the majority of us haven't been very good students of it. It's not your fault or you are not a bad person by the way as you have not been informed of this simple fact and have been brought up to live in a destructive way of thinking by others that don't know any better and they have being thought the very same.

Imagine a child from birth being taught and encouraged with nothing but destructive thoughts. We all know it's not going to end well for them or anyone around them. Now imagine millions of them being brought up the same way and the results are what you are seeing all around you today. This is not rocket science to figure this out. Most of us know this very well. 

What To Do

So what do we do about this? How do we fix this issue? Many will say that we have to do something about what is happening all around the world and join various groups of clubs to attempt to put a plaster on something that needs to be allowed to phase out in its own time. No one wants to hear this of course but there is very little anyone can do with what is happening outside of scope.

This is something you can do however that very few consider and that is working on oneself and begin to clean all the past programming that has been experienced for all the wrong reasons. Take a really good look at your own life and where you are right now. Are you happy ? Content ? Successful ? etc ?

I talk about the law or the simple rule of doing no harm quite a lot as it's vital to realise the significance of this. How do you feel about yourself for example? Are you applying this rule in your own life? When you really take a good look at your own circumstances, you will see where this rule has been broken over and over again and this could be the cause of your current frustrations in life. I am not suggesting to go around with a halo over your head but to be conscious of doing no harm in all aspects of your daily life and to develop a closer relationship with oneself.

When you are conscious of it, you will notice that your perceptions about yourself and your world will change quite drastically as you unwind yourself away from the many perceptions that you thought were true but were actually preventing you from moving on and evolving into the human being that you were meant to be. By doing that you affect others as they have had a positive experience being in your company and they too are changed somewhat that makes life here a little more enjoyable.

Who We Are

We are all a spark of creation, consciousness, energy that are supposed to create and not destroy. By destroying we go against our nature, our purpose, our gift to the world. We are eternal on a journey of self discovery through countless experiences and lifetimes. We do this more effectively by doing no wrong or at least attempting too, so we can learn about ourselves more and what we are capable of in every experience. We create through our thought process as our thinking allows us to carry out each task to the best of our abilities through our own bodies.

The secret of the thought process in creation is a thought without doing any harm to oneself or anything else but to benefit all. We are part of all and it is part of us so any harm done is harmful to the self and to everything else. Once we realise this, we set ourselves free from those perceptions that are not in line with what is true and we can then move on living here the way we were meant to and be more peaceful about life and the future ahead.

Daily Exercise

So a simple exercise you can do on a daily basis is, when you are thinking and it has any negative feelings behind it, stop yourself and correct that thought by reminding yourself that this is harmful and not a creative thought that you need or want. Also be aware that negative thoughts have energy that can create painful events if allowed to persist in your mind.

By changing that negative thought to a new positive one and that is clear from any harm, you have changed a future scenario from possible negative events to positive ones. Each time you use this exercise, you will be changing your world one thought at a time until you reach your true potential.

Self-Healing Rituals to Overcome Past Programming
Tried-and-true wisdom and tools help you release past programming, change the trajectory of your life, and manifest your heart's desires. 11 Sacred Rituals for ...

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Freedom Design was Created in 2018 by Mike Kiernan. Mike Decided to make some Career Changes in 2016  after 30 years working in Various businesses. He underwent extensive Training in Spiritual Life Coaching and is now sharing his teachings with the General Public.  

Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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