The Healing Meditation

The healing meditation below is a mixture of hypnosis, using the subconscious mind along with the love energy for healing. Once used, you will know how the subconscious works and how easy it is to manipulate this endless love energy to heal you and make this life a better place to live. You will also realise that you are this very energy yourself that can transform yourself into anything you desire and also affect others positively by simply sending that energy to a loved one or anyone you would like to help.

We all have this power. Some call it prayer or intention or sending blessings. Put whatever meaning or interpretation on this sacred practice you like. The results are the same but also depend on the effort and the love behind it. We are love beings, Energy beings, Creator beings that are simply experiencing, evolving on this ether of endless energy. As we awaken to this reality we come to a calming of the Soul and a remembering of who we truly are.                 

The Healing Meditation

There is a healing Meditation one can do. It can be done on yourself or Visualised and sent to another. In Fact it can be done on the entire world if you visualise it so. Many are sceptical as they do not understand how this is possible. You simply need to understand energy. 

Energy is required for all things as without it nothing would exist. Creation only happens with energy and the loving intent behind it. All creation instinctively wants to create as this is the essence of Creation.

Man and Women are a more evolved creation and can create many things from all the creations available to them on this earth. There are endless possibilities as to the creations of Man and Women. The creations I am speaking about are physical creations available to them but there are also spiritual ones too. They create those by understanding how energy works, where it comes from and what you can do with it with the use of your mind. 

Energy is love expressed from the creative source. Call it consciousness, Creator, God or whatever you like. Without this love, energy could not exist and so creation could not exist. Love is the source of everything and as men and women, we can access that as we are part of that love, that expression, that energy and that creation. 

By knowing this, we realise that we are part of creation in its entirety, We are a part of love in its entirety, an expression of that love and the love energy that is responsible for everything. Those of you who have searched for the meaning of life will feel a real sense of belonging for the very first time and will finally realise that you are more than just flesh and bone but originate from this love energy. 

You will also realise that healing is also love energy and you visualising this for yourself or another or others, is you accessing that love energy and using it to heal. Remember you are an energy being and can create many things including spiritual things. If you require some healing or want to send some healing, all you need to do is realise that this is available and ready to be used for whatever purpose. 

So I want you to lay down and close your eyes and take three long and deep breaths. get comfortable and start to visualise that love energy. It is everywhere and in everything so there is plenty to go around. 

Now gather some of that by imagining a cloud of Light just about your head. It is pure Love energy and can be directed to do anything you desire it to do. As it comes down and covers your entire body. Breath it in and allow it to enter your body and go to places that need attention. Ask it to cleanse the entire body from head to toe and see it going there and clearing away any blockages and sickness. See it cleaning everything and bringing it back to its normal state.

See all the debris that is coming off any area being absorbed into the cloud and out of your body. Watch as the Cloud restores everything with the love energy and balances everything to the way it should be. You see this love energy Cloud is of pure love where no sickness or disease can exist. By having this cloud come down and Cover you, you are allowing it to rebalance you back to your healthy state and in balance with the way Love / Energy intended you to be. 

You can picture this cloud anyway you like. It can be a bubble of light, A cloud. A colour you like. It can be anything that you prefer but recognize it as pure love energy that has come from the source and your very own Healing Machine or Medbed.  You can send it to someone you love for healing. See it doing its job on that loved one or loved ones. You can envelop the entire world if you wish and send healing to every man and woman. You can send it to mother earth and any other planet if you wish.

Remember you are a creator being that can create anything with a loving intent. You have the ability to manipulate this love energy into anything you desire by simply understanding it, what it can do and then applying that knowledge into a visualisation to send love.  

More Reading


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Freedom Design was Created in 2018 by Mike Kiernan. Mike Decided to make some Career Changes in 2016  after 30 years working in Various businesses. He underwent extensive Training in Spiritual Life Coaching and is now sharing his teachings with the General Public.  

Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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