The Great Awakening

A deep view from a spiritual perspective and some heart centred solutions to what is happening all around the world today in what many people are calling the great awakening.

There is a great awakening happening all around the world. It's been going on for quite a number of years now. Some have awakened many years ago and know that what's going on all around the world is an attempt to keep us from waking up. So why would anyone want to prevent us from evolving as a race you might ask?  Why would individuals keep us from being truly happy and force us into a stressful state? Without going into too much detail, the answer is the old way of experiencing here is now obsolete and no longer serves us.

As we attempt to break free from old habits, they come back to haunt us from time to time to keep us where we used to be. It is a battle we must all go through so we evolve into a different way of thinking, living and experiencing.

What's happening around the world is an attempt by the old perceptions to hold on to those ideas and do anything to convince the general public of the same. This results in diabolical acts of evil to control the evolving thoughts of every individual on earth. During this time every narrative is spun and hijacked so confusion is created and many are left believing in nothing and allowing the for and against of each to be expressed until it comes to its final conclusion. 

Whether you believe in good and evil or not, it doesn't matter as both exist here in this world. We see and experience it for ourselves everyday of our lives. If you are a spiritual individual, you will be familiar with this concept that there is an angelic realm and also a demonic realm and both are at odds as to how creation is supposed to evolve or devolve.

Those who like to see themselves as consciousness or energy will have a similar idea of good and evil as lower and higher vibrations that attract one another depending on the individual's thinking and actions.  Bottom line is both exist in obvious physical form from experiences in the past and current world events to the deeper understanding of those who have the spiritual outlook of this experience. 

From my own spiritual perspective, we are consciousness, an energy that is part of a much greater consciousness or energy that is responsible for all life. Without this spark of conscious energy, no life would exist or could exist without it. As a collective consciousness in this world we are at a crossroads and are wanting to experience more and are fed up with all this evil that is so apparent now and no longer makes any sense as to the reason for it.  

Many like you are coming to this conclusion and just want peace and happiness for all. On the other side of this or the darker side this is also known and is attempting to prevent these awakened souls from moving on and experiencing a more harmonious life here in this world. They lower individuals, entities, vibrations could not exist in the world that so many individuals want and are trying desperately to hold onto this old decaying idea. 

Those who are fully awake or even partially awake can clearly see what is being attempted. The diabolicals are throwing the kitchen sink at us to prevent the inevitable from happening. Once awake there is no going back as you can clearly see where you want to go and what you no longer need. You are wise at all of the scams, games, manipulations, dramas, wars, regulations and all the other things that are restricting your rightful peace as a Soul that is eternal and is bound by no one.

The greatest battle is realising who you are, peeling yourself away from the old thinking and becoming that authentic self you truly are.  

The great awakening

This is not an easy task to achieve and for those of you who are wondering where to start, I might have a few suggestions. 

There is an ancient Law that few people know about but once it is known, it will instantly resonate with you as a way forward. The law is simple, "To do no harm".. Sounds very simple but so difficult to keep while you experience life here with all its distractions and goings on. This Law applies to you personally first, which means that you must do no harm to yourself in thought and actions. To be mindful of all thoughts and actions throughout and look for harm in there.

When you identify it, you readjust each one to its correct thinking and action. When you first try this, you will be shocked at the way you are thinking and have thought in the past about just about everything. You will have many 1000s of relapses in thinking by the way and with each relapse, you will be tempted to judge yourself, feel bad etc but you must not do that as this is harmful thinking and instead thank yourself for identifying it and trying again and again and again.

Any doubts should be replaced by encouragement, any guilt ( whatever they may be ) should be replaced by self forgiveness and understanding with the promise to start again and again and again till you have mastered each and every thought, habit and action. This should be a daily practice of " To do no harm". 

If you are practicing this as I have suggested you will start to feel better, sleep better and your life will be more enjoyable. Miracles can happen with this practice as it is the Law of creation with you as a creator by your thoughts and actions. This is how powerful you are. By doing no harm, you are evolving the way nature / creation intended by just being inline with this simple Law. 

You will begin to recognise the true meaning of Karma and the law of attraction as both are learning tools for our evolution. Karma being the lessons of negative thinking that attempts to guide you towards a more harmonious way of thinking and acting. The law of attraction being the positive results of your thinking and actions. Both are there to serve you in their own way to a more positive outcome.

Karma was always seen and some sort of a punishment for wrong doings. There is no punishment but lessons that drive us towards a more evolved state that is more beneficial to each soul who is here to experience and evolve into a higher experience of creation. What would you choose? A lower or a higher experience ? It has always been your choice but you were probably never told that? Now you know and can adjust accordingly to suit your own development and take back what was alway yours to have.  

So instead of getting down about what's happening around the world, go and take a good look in the mirror and attempt to fix that person first. By doing that, you will be helping yourself and all the loved ones around you with your new outlook on life. By doing that, you will have changed that world around you and personally helped others awaken to the truth about who and what we really are.                                             

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Freedom Design was Created in 2018 by Mike Kiernan. Mike Decided to make some Career Changes in 2016  after 30 years working in Various businesses. He underwent extensive Training in Spiritual Life Coaching and is now sharing his teachings with the General Public.  

Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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