Who is God? - The Deeper Question

I attempt to explain Who is God from my own perspective and also from channeling my higher self. My higher self being the part of me that is connected to something outside the understanding of what is known by the general public. 

There is so much confusion about the existence of God as we don't physically see Him or Her. We don't know whether it is him or her or both. We don't know whether it's a Man or Women energy or both either. All we can do is guess or have faith as all the religions of the world advise us. 

As the world's religions are breaking down and more and more people have the need to think independently, we have the freedom to decide our own definition of who we think God is. All of these new ideas are relevant and people are coming up with wonderful new ways of explaining who and what God is. From God to Creator to Great Creator to Consciousness and the list goes on.

All of these new titles and explanations have relevance as they are some of the understandings that resonate in some way to each individual. There are no right or wrong answers but just different perspectives and pretty all of them have a very good argument that we are more than just a physical body that dies and the man or woman discontinues forever. 


For me the very word "Creation" is my Key to understanding who God is and what he or she is up to. As I look around my office table I see many items that I need to carry out my work and all of those ideas were created by someone so I could do this very work like typing this very article. Everyone of those items were created for a specific purpose to enhance my experience and allow me to progress in whatever I was choosing to progress in. 

Then I look at every plant, insect and animal and I think about the word creation again and they are no difference as they go about their own purpose in their own specific location and doing what they were created to do. I look at mankind and all the different peoples of the world and what each purpose they might have in the grand scheme of things. I see that everything was created for a certain purpose, that nothing is a mistake but is there for a very specific reason.

I look at our mother earth and how she provides us with all the sustenance we need so all life there can carry out their specific purposes. Countless pieces of Organisms Carefully put together in a beautiful symphony of oneness, each an ingredient to any overall purpose and we get closer to knowing Who is God. 


Then we come to the word "Purpose". As I look around, every single thing I see has a purpose. It was created by someone who saw a specific need. That someone had a thought about how he or she could be helpful to another by creating something that would enhance the life of the other.

This instinctive behaviour and thought process is in all Creation as all Creations were created to carry out their own specific purpose to enhance the creative process. In essence, all creations were created to Create themselves and continue the creative process indefinitely as creation never stops creating and improving. 


Now we come to energy. Without energy nothing would happen and nothing would exist. Having a thought takes energy to create it, having a purpose takes energy. Action takes energy. All physical life takes energy. All non physical life takes energy. So where does this energy come from? It's everywhere and in everything but we can't physically see it ? Who created it? For what purpose? Now we are getting closer to knowing who is God. 


Now we come to the Word "Love". Many people get a bit nervous, uncomfortable about this word. To love someone or something is the most common use for this word but it means so much more. To create something for someone is in fact a loving act. To fulfill your purpose is a loving act. To help another is a loving act. To use your thoughts to enhance yourself is a loving act.

To enhance the thoughts of others is a loving act as it helps them fulfill their own purpose which is actually loving in their own unique way. All Creation is an expression of love. All acts of Creation are an expression of love. All energy is an expression of love as without it, Love could not be expressed or experienced in physical Life. 

Love Created Energy so thoughts could be Created to express the endless love that is available by Creating endless Physical representations of love so love could be experienced at once everywhere at the same time and experienced in every living thing for eternity. We are all part of that love and simply experiencing a tiny sample of that at this time.

Have you figured out who God is Yet ? So God is Love and Love is experiencing itself through our own experiences. How perfect is that ?    

Who is God

Summary On Who Is God  

Like I said earlier, This is my perspective and others will have their own thoughts on this which is Brillant. I share this with you simply to share my thoughts. I make no claims whatsoever and my Purpose here is to inspire your own unique thoughts. My own perspectives bring me great peace with the understanding that I am more than a physical being and that I have so much more to experience as I journey through all the expressions of what love is.  

I like to call Love / God " Father ". I find peace in that name. I simply talk as if I was talking to a friend. He never Judges me and is a complete contradiction to what I have been told by previous religious teachings. 

He tells me " How could I punish when I am Love ? We punish ourselves for not applying Love into our lives. We instinctively know when we Lose our way. We become angry, Guilty, fearful, Sad and regretful. The term you call Karma is actually Love Attempting to Guide you in the right Direction. There are no laws, Love is all you need to remember as this is your natural state. You are simply here to experience Love and in showing that here, you are in balance with everything. You will be challenged, as what is a life without challenge and adventure? I want you to enjoy this experience and every experience. Keep me in your heart, Talk to me as I am here to guide you. You are part of me and I am part of you. We are Joined in Love together for eternity. You wish to experience so go and experience. Put your heart into it and bring my love with you into every experience. Try not to get lost in the experience and forget me. If you fall. Dust yourself off and try again. It doesn't matter how many times you fall. What matters is that you come back to me for guidance. I will answer you in your heart. You will know it is me as my words have no Judgement but unconditional love for you no matter how far you fall. I rejoice in the smallest of Victories as I know you are trying to show love. Be at peace knowing that you are loved by the father "     

The Keys To Manifesting
The keys To Manifesting takes a look at some of the critical changes necessary to manifest your desires.

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Freedom Design was Created in 2018 by Mike Kiernan. Mike Decided to make some Career Changes in 2016  after 30 years working in Various businesses. He underwent extensive Training in Spiritual Life Coaching and is now sharing his teachings with the General Public.  

Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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FreedomDesign.ie © 2024

Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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