Managing the Ego - A Spiritual perspective

If you are Someone who wants to make changes in your life then you need to know a little about Managing the Ego. Ego can either be your friend or enemy, depending on how you feed it. Ego has been given quite a reputation in the psychological world and much of the reputation can be very unfair at times.

I like to see it as more like childlike in nature and what you plant into it, will be the seeds to how it views the world. It is very much linked to the subconscious part of the mind when all information is received and expressed through the Ego. Ego Can be the most influential when it comes to determining your world, If you allow it.

How does the Ego think? 

It is important to know what is going on inside of your own head when making changes in your life. It is not difficult determining this as two things are going on primarily. I like to call this the inner debate.

We have an ego that thinks the way it has be thought to think by the experiences in the entirety of its existence. It is the natural Yin and Yang of the human mind and is designed as a balancing mechanism throughout our life. All nature is designed this way so balance can be achieved through the universe.

It is not there to harm you but to teach you how to be in balance. If you are out of balance then your ego will bring about events so you see those changes that need to be made for the betterment of your life. It might now seem that way when certain events are taking place and Ego can get you into a whole lot of trouble. But no matter were the event takes you, the results will always attempt to lead you to balance with the law of attraction or the consequences of doing harm which Amy call Karma. Inevitably all events are there to lead you to balance and being aware of this is a very powerful insight.

Many will ignore those out of balance events they find themselves in and allow Ego to play out for their entire life not knowing why things did not work out the way they would have liked. This will be an undisciplined life with all its ups and downs and a hard life that was allowed by a lack of understanding of what balance is. Balance is simple " Do Not Harm " and that includes doing no harm to oneself.

Many see the Ego as some sort of hidden enemy that resides in us all and are in a constant battle throughout their lives. Some try to outsmart it at times but it knows you better than you know yourself so it is better to get to know the ego just as much as it knows you. It is the perception version of you in every way and your teacher that attempts to show you how you actually see this world from within you so you can address false misperceptions that you have picked up along the way.

The thing is, you are also your Ego's teacher as you exchange ideas and opinions from your own intuition which come from a much deeper place in consciousness that already knows what balance is. This intuition together with the Ego will ultimately come to a conclusion and decision on how to proceed and the effects of those choices will be the awards or lessons which both aim to balance in their own unique different ways.

Spiritual Lesson from the Ego 

To get a better idea of the Ego and its purpose we must look at the ego from a more spiritual perspective. More and more people are starting to take this journey and realising that there is more to us that just Subconscious mind & Ego. Some may call this the conscious mind and the higher mind, being a bigger part of the entire picture of who we actually are.

The Conscious Mind it that part of us that is awake during the day and decides how the entire day is going to go. It is the decision-maker, the bridge between the information that is being debated between Ego and the inner intuition we speech about. If it accepts the Ego's view by ignoring its own intuition of the world and acts this out then you choose to live by your own learned perceptions and result in a longer path to balance or what many call enlightenment.

Every Ego thought, action allowed and experienced is recorded back into the subconscious mind and those memories are stored to be resurfaced again and again till any lesson is well learned and a step closer to understanding balance. What I saying here is that you have a kind of conveyer belt system of the subconscious, Ego, Conscious mind, thought, action and then back to the subconscious which records the same thing over and over again till we realise that these events no longer serve is and we want to move on.

I hope you are seeing a picture develop here. It's a bit the Movie ' Groundhog Day ' where you go through your life and every day the same and a slightly different action makes the day go that little bit different but with basically the same theme.

Many people live today in this vicious circle of the same thing over and over with a slightly different outcome but the same Sad feeling or feeling unhappy and not knowing why.

Have you ever asked your self why is this always happening to me over and over again?  Why do I always find myself in a bad relationship or why am I always broke and the list goes on and on and on. Are you beginning to see the picture yet ??   If you are not then I will continue.

You have allowed yourself to live this way. It's not your fault by the way. You have been programmed from the very beginning to think a certain way and to act a certain way. An unsuspecting parent or parents, teacher, environment and the list goes on as to who and what has influenced you throughout your life.

You have developed many habits along the way, Some good and some not so good. All that information has been collected since you were conceived and you continue to collect up information till you leave this place.

The question is, What information do you want to feed your mind now? The same? Or do you have enough of the same old ' Groundhog Day ' Scenario?

If your choice is to change those learned perceptions then you have to retrain the mind into listening more to your inner intuition that instinctively knows the universal creative laws that govern every living thing. Ego is merely a navigation tool while we experience life here and teaches us whether we know it or not, what it is to be in or out of balance by the choices we make. See it as childlike that has run riot and you have allowed this behaviour to happen without your knowledge. How this happened, it really doesn't matter now. What matters is, fixing it so the world you see now, turns into something you actually want and was meant for you.

This journey is not an easy one. You can't just change Ego overnight but understanding how it works has already changed its perception and allowed intuition to be recognised by the conscious mind as a better choice. Many choose to go to war on the Ego which is great mistake. It remains your teacher till you have mastered its workings and eventually you Intuition, Ego and conscious Mind work as one and in perfect balance with one another and inline with all creation.

So let's start today as if a baby would, rediscovering everything with new knowledge about what it is to be in balance. Make every experience a joyful one. See the Ego like a newborn baby being introduced into the world. Show that baby what they can achieve with this new insight and watch that baby grow, to become the person it was meant to be.

It wants that. That's why it's here. It wants to experience life to the best of its ability and create another great experience. That's how all nature works. It is simply experiencing itself as it is and then moving off into another experience.

I remember being asked who God was as so many people are confused or do not believe the concept. God to me is the best possible experience that can be experienced in any experience. By doing that you are one with nature and in your most natural state of true awareness.

It is not up in the sky or sitting on a cloud but right inside all of us in every experience. The bad experiences are a reminder that you are not listening to your intuition that is in perfect balance and that those bad experiences are only a nudge towards considering an alternative to the Ego's perception of how experiences should be experienced.

Nature's intention for you is to be in balance with it and guide you to your natural state of Being. Everything In nature and the universe works the very same and is in perfect balance so that perfect experience can be achieved. This is where my idea of God or Creator resides, in whoever or wherever i see the perfect balance. No one truly knows the answers to this but can determine their own definition through their own experiences uniquely and where everything is working as one.

A Small Exercise On Managing The Ego

managing the ego

So I am going to give you a few exercises on how to begin to start working how to manage the Ego. Don't worry, is not very hard. In fact, it's quite an enjoyable exercise.


  1. Write a list of all the things that are going wrong in your life. Remember this is your opportunity to empty it all out. Make this list as long as you can. If necessary go for a long walk and think about it.
  2. Write a list of all the things you currently like in your life. Some of you may have a very short list here or are not enjoying life at all at this time. That's ok. you might like talking to people of having a cup of tea or maybe a walk. If you haven't got much of a list then don't worry. this will change.
  3. White down all the things you would love and want in your life. Put down everything no matter what it is and again go for a walk and really think about this question. What do I really, really want and would bring me the best possible experience.
  4. Now pick the thing you would love to experience in your life that looks like the easiest one to achieve right now.
  5. Now break up each desire into tiny steps and spread it out over a period of time so it looks totally achievable and easy for you to do.
  6. Set a day to start this and a finishing day for this particular thing you really want to do.
  7. Now tell a close friend or family member your plan and make a promise to them that you will do all the steps and report each step to them when you have completed it. Tell them if you do not check-in with them after each step that you will forfeit something to them. This can be either money or a task you have to do for them as compensation for not keeping your promise. You will have a massive resistance to this as Ego does not want to play ball at this time. At the same time, Ego does not want to lose the forfeit and will ensure that you carry out this task as it doesn't like to lose face. It will also come up with every excuse why it couldn't do the task before or during the task so be aware of this. This is simply resistance to change, Like a child not wanting to go for a walk when his favourite programme is on the TV. All this will pass over time so make sure you have secured yourself with a solid system.
  8. Finally, celebrate at the end of the week for a job well done. This is a little treat for you and Ego as a joint venture successfully completed. Ego loves to be congratulated and giving a treat, just like a child would get for being so good during the week. All of this strengthens your relationship with the Ego and will allow further development and success.

I hope you enjoyed this post on Managing the Ego. My next post will be on releasing Guilt and the benefits of that.

Revised Law of Attraction 
Much has been talked about in the law of Attraction and how it works.  Much of that information has been

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Freedom Design was Created in 2018 by Mike Kiernan. Mike Decided to make some Career Changes in 2016  after 30 years working in Various businesses. He underwent extensive Training in Spiritual Life Coaching and is now sharing his teachings with the General Public.  

Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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