7 Laws Of The Universe

7 Laws of the Universe takes a closer look at those 7 chakras and how they relate to the universe and the meaning to why we are all here.

I recently came across a very interesting Man on an online platform Called Gaia TV. His name is Matias De Stefano and his explanation of resonated with me deeply. I have attempted to explain these 7 laws in my own words here. His full programme can be found here.

One Universal Law

There is only one law really and that is 'Everything is Mind' which relates to everything we think of will become real if we focus our attention and belief on this enough. To understand this Law fully we need to break this up into 7 laws.

Many books have been written about this phenomenon like The secret and so many more. Few have grasped its concept or failed to understand its full meaning.

It is not some magic spell that we recite and hope it works but a way of living and understanding how the universe works. Once we understand how everything works, we begin to understand how we as individuals work and our lives begin to change.

Universe is evolving endlessly as are we. Our reality is ever-changing by our thoughts and actions. Every choice we make will determine our lives and all around us at every second every day.

The 7 Laws of our universe are already present within the 7 chakras. In fact, these laws are present in all life as we know it and are the reasons why everything works the way it does everywhere.

These 7 laws should be thought everywhere as they are key to a happy life that allow us to evolve naturally. Every Man na women should be aware of this laws so they can navigate their lives in a more harmonious way.

I will attempt to explain this in its simplest terms so you can begin to see a picture forming in your mind. A light-bulb that you have been waiting for is about to be lit up.

The Seven Chakras are the best way to explain these Seven Universal laws Each Chakra has it own own unique colour and Meaning. Clearing a Charka is understanding it first and then working on that emotion related to it. We also need to understand how each is related to each law of the universe for a deeper understanding. They are intrinsically linked as you will see.

Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra is the seventh Chakra and located just above the head. It is associated with Law of the Mind or Mentalist. ' Think and you become '. ' Positive or Negative '

Third Eye

Third Eye is the Sixth Chakra and is associated with Law of Correspondence. " Outside is within and inside is outside". An ability to hold both positive and negative and understand a need for the two to get the full picture.

Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra is the Fifth Chakra and is associated with Law of Vibration. Sound vibration, voice, love vibration & Harmony.

Heart Chakra

Heart chakra is the fourth Chakra and is associated with Law of Rhythm of your life. Light & low vibrations that you are feeling and is connected to time. Time tends to slow down in the low vibrations of your life and quicken up during times of happiness and higher vibrations.

Solar Plexus

Solar Plexus is the third chakra and is associated with Law of Cause and effect and the law of Responsibility. Question what is happening and learn from it and remembers it is a message. This is the consequence or happiness of your current thoughts, words, actions and rhythm of your present life.

Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra is the second Chakra as is associated with Law of Polarity and the law of Creation, positive and negative and an understanding of this. It is our learning in this place. To jump high, we must come from a lower position and understand this process.

Root Chakra

Root Chakra is the first Chakra and is associated with Law of Generation or Generating. Everything is being born again and again over and over. We Create new realities every second of every day.

The 7 Laws Of The Universe

Questions To Ask Yourself

Ask yourself all of these questions truthfully and from your heart. Your answers will give you a very clear picture of where you stand in your life and what you need to do to improve it.

7 Laws of the universe are there to assist you and not hinder you in any way. Be mindful of everything from Crown Chakra and work your way down from there.

It takes lots of practice and you will find yourself slipping back sometimes but thats ok. After understanding this knowledge, you will realise that there is more to life and that you have found a way to create anything you desire. All that required is that you practice this daily until it becomes part of your everyday life.

With each small change, you will notice some amazing results and inner happiness that you have never felt before. You know who you are now so all you need to do is to just follow these laws and live by them.

  1. Everything that is within you is outside you?
  2. Look around you and see if it corresponds with what you feel within?
  3. What am I expressing from within and what it is showing me?
  4. What is my mirrored reality?
  5. What is my vibration or vocalisation?
  6. Is what I say exactly what I want to say?
  7. Do I feel my vibration Lower or Higher?
  8. Am I in harmony or a mess?
  9. Do I speak from my heart Or Ego?
  10. Am I coming from a place of love?
  11. Are things coming back to me Slowly or Quickly?
  12. How is the rhythm of my life?
  13. What is going on in my life?
  14. Everything that affects me in my life is directly related to how I think, Feel, Speak and project onto the world?
  15. How am I feeling and what do I need to look at deeply to see what is causing this?
  16. I live in a dualistic world with both Positive and Negative. Where do I live in that world and do I understand a need for both? To jump high we must first go low and to prepare for that big jump?
  17. Am I prepared to accept polarity in this world, learn from it in order to transcend into an evolving human being?
  18. Life is about generating Love, new ideas, new frontiers, new understandings. Am I creating that or am I lacking somewhere?


Please leave a comment or contact me with any questions. I have lots more information to share with you if you are interested. Please take a look at another post I wrote that you may be interested in. https://freedomdesign.ie/how-to-completely-start-over-in-life/

Revised Law of Attraction 
Much has been talked about in the law of Attraction and how it works.  Much of that information has been

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Freedom Design was Created in 2018 by Mike Kiernan. Mike Decided to make some Career Changes in 2016  after 30 years working in Various businesses. He underwent extensive Training in Spiritual Life Coaching and is now sharing his teachings with the General Public.  

Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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