The Significance Of A Vision Board

The Significance of a Vision Board in many cases can be very misunderstood. When people start to become aware of the real meaning to the law of attraction and its benefits, the vision board becomes a very power visualisation tool as part of the manifesting process.

What is a Vision Board?

A vision board is powerful tool that displays a visual representation of life goals presented on a mood board as a daily reminder for the subconscious mind. There are other names for the vision board like poster board, dream board, goal board, action board, pin board etc but they all mean the same basically.

Vision board Ideas 

To create one, you need a collection of images or collage of images, words, mantras and anything related to your desired dreams. It is best to leave plenty of space to add more information as you progress each day. You will have more ideas over time. It is also possible that you may want to take some of the old information down as it no longer resonates with you. In many cases while using the vision board, you may discover that some goals or the main goal are no longer desired. This happens for various reasons. You may created a collage of a lotto winner for example but simply having enough to do the things you want may be enough for you.

The Vision Board represents the desired result after a specific timeframe but is seen in the present time on a daily basis.The subconscious sees and hears everything literally so having a vision board in eye view on a daily basis is an excellent Visualisation tool to increase the likelyhood of achieving your goals in life.    

The problem with many people today, is they don't really understand how all this works. Some think that creating such a vision board will miraculously result in all this coming true. This ends in disappointment, total frustration and a complete waste of time. 

Everything is thought

If you realise that everything is thought then you will begin to understand the Law of attraction, Law of Karma and all related laws to living a full and meaningful life. A simple fact is you are what you think and you attract those things that you think about. Thoughts have energy and whatever energy you are sending out is being returned to you. Changing your thought pattern changes your circumstances and eventually your entire life. It takes lots of practice but as you start seeing certain changes taking place, you will be encouraged to practice more.

The Vision Board is a reminder to you of what can be achieved when you put everything within the vision board into practice. Read that sentence again. If you understand this then you will understand the significance of a Vision Board. It's a Daily Reminder of the dream you have and seeing this has a profound effect on your daily life and future life. That simple Vision Board shifts your thinking and urges you to strive for that dream in the most visual way.

You see a Vision Board is only one of the tools required when making major changes. Another step are daily rituals. These rituals are used to slowly nudge you into a positive change and to learn new thought and behavioural patterns. In the end it all about your thoughts. It begins and finishes with thoughts.

The Significance Of A Vision Board

So how do you set up and vision board?

If you realise that everything is thought then you will begin to understand the Law of attraction, Law of Karma and all related laws to living a full and meaningful life. A simple fact is you are what you think and you attract those things that you think about. Thoughts have energy and whatever energy you are sending out is being returned to you. Changing your thought pattern changes your circumstances and eventually your entire life. It takes lots of practice but as you start seeing certain changes taking place, you will be encouraged to practice more.

The Vision Board is a reminder to you of what can be achieved when you put everything within the vision board into practice. Read that sentence again. If you understand this then you will understand the significance of a Vision Board. It's a Daily Reminder of the dream you have and seeing this has a profound effect on your daily life and future life. That simple Vision Board shifts your thinking and urges you to strive for that dream in the most visual way.

You see a Vision Board is only one of the tools required when making major changes. Another step are daily rituals. These rituals are used to slowly nudge you into a positive change and to learn new thought and behavoural patterns. In the end it all about your thoughts. It begins and finishes with thoughts.

The Significance Of A Vision Board

Taking that first step 

I would suggest that you play around with creating a collage. Collect magazine clippings, Cut out pictures and words of wisdom that resonate with your goals in mind. Play around with the idea of types of goals or perhaps your biggest goals and see what the collage looks like to you. if you get a good feeling about it then are close to what you really want. if over time something in that collage doesn't seem right then remove it and see how that feels. No-one gets it right at the beginning so take your time till everything you see on your vision board feels right for you.  

I hope my article on the significance of a vision board was helpful to you. Please comment if you have any questions More Reading Revised Law of Attraction

More Reading

Revised Law of Attraction 
Much has been talked about in the law of Attraction and how it works.  Much of that information has been

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Freedom Design was Created in 2018 by Mike Kiernan. Mike Decided to make some Career Changes in 2016  after 30 years working in Various businesses. He underwent extensive Training in Spiritual Life Coaching and is now sharing his teachings with the General Public.  

Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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