What is The Ascension Process?

We are going through a change. Many of us will feel this as we look at the world around us. So many difficulties are intensifying lately and the future seems to be unknown. We are going through The Ascension Process. Some of you will have heard of this word but it too has been misunderstood somewhat. From 3D to 4D to 5D we hear constantly and no one really knows how to define what's really happening.

We can come to a crossroads in this experience where we get to decide whether we want to stay in this reality or move onto the next. This reality is being shown to us in full 3D as they call it. All that is not good for us can be clearly seen now and we get to decide if we need this anymore. Do you want all these rules and regulations, pollution, corruption and all the other things that prevent us from being happy?

Remember we are souls that are on a journey of experiencing love. Are we experiencing this to its fullest right now? Those who are wanting more are seeing all that is wrong and are looking to be freed from this Experience to experience something better. This is ascension. When soul decides that it has had enough of this experience and wants to move on into another experience. 3D, 4D and 5D doesn't matter as you cannot put a figure on this. Ascension is happening whether we like it or not. It is time for our souls to ascend.

So what is The Ascension Process exactly?

It is simply moving into a more loving experience where there is no more corruption, pollution, regulation etc and a more peaceful experience. While this is happening some bad stuff that was hidden is now being shown to us so we can see what we are living in at present and to decide whether we want this or not. Another way to describe this is all the bad goo has surfaced to the top in a desperate attempt to hold us here in this old experience. It knows that its time is up and is doing everything possible to prevent the evitable. Like I said, this is happening no matter what. 

So what must we do in a time like this as all of this seems very frightening and a confusing time ?

Realising that this is happening and also realising many failed attempts to prevent this from happening. Once you realise this then you are halfway there to your own ascension or Awakening. Knowing that you are an eternal Soul that has so much love to give and with that love you can start right now to show that to all around you. No more judgement, releasing all guilt as guilt is created by you alone and must be released by you. By listening less to mainstream as everything in there is fear based and attempting to lead us back to the old experience. 

We do not care about this old experience as we are entering into a place where this does not exist. Our way to ascend is to be loving each day and leave the drama behind. It doesn't serve us, It never did and we are now beginning to realise that and moving on as we would a toxic relationship.

We want change, a new life, a new beginning where we want to be happy, at peace and be free of all this destruction and its coming but we have to really want it.  Like all bad experiences, we are in the throes of it, coming to an end where we just can't be there anymore and have to leave that behind so we can ascend into that reality that we want and not what the other wants.

We are ascending all the time throughout our lives. We decide whats best for us at all times and we ascend from every experience. If we do not learn from that experience then we remain in that experience till it is time to ascend from that also and we simply move onto the next. This time humanity is making that move all at once. They are becoming tired of this old experience and want to move on into a more peaceful one together. When enough Souls are ready to move forward, this ascension will happen and all other souls will have no choice but to move forward also.

It is only then that souls that were not ready will wake up to the reality of what had occurred in the old experience. They were asleep, caught up in the drama of this experience but had other loving souls there to assist them and bring them along when it was necessary. 

We are simply a part of nature and nature will move on regardless as this is its nature, to continue on, to where it can progress and grow and to cease to exist where it sees no progression for life and its survival. We have the same intuitive nature as we see now that nothing can grow from this old experience and are preparing to leave it behind so it dissolves away and ceases to exist.

Nature Cannot exist in place of nothingness. It needs love as love is the spark to everything. Without love, everything decays and dies. Love is the answer to ascension. Ascensions are increments of Love and each bringing us closer to the essence who we truly are.

We are individual sparks of Consciousness, Energy, God particle, Of the father, Of the mother, Of the Creator, Source of all love, Creators of heaven and earth, Galactic Beings, Planets, Galaxies, Universes and all we do not know yet.  

We are endless increments of ascensions, experiencing endless examples of each and get to live each one physically in countless timelines and endless expressions of each increment for eternity. 
The Keys To Manifesting
The keys To Manifesting takes a look at some of the critical changes necessary to manifest your desires.

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Freedom Design was Created in 2018 by Mike Kiernan. Mike Decided to make some Career Changes in 2016  after 30 years working in Various businesses. He underwent extensive Training in Spiritual Life Coaching and is now sharing his teachings with the General Public.  

Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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Michael is Spiritual Life & Business Coach based In Ireland. His Meditations are focused around helping people who are searching for ways for a more peaceful and harmonious Life.

He set up Freedom Design Coaching in 2018 and is very happy to be sharing his Healing Meditations to a wider audience.

If you are looking for any particular Meditation then please suggest one and he will Consider this for a future meditation.

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